
Paper Bag Gift Wrap

I've used my share of cute gift bags to wrap presents in a hurry but there's something kinda sweet about giving a gift that's been wrapped in paper and tied with a ribbon. I am a perfectionist and love rules so when I wrap gifts I practice all the guidelines my mom taught me: use just enough paper to keep the wrapping smooth, fold the paper to hide raw edges and tuck in your corners. I will, however, allow myself a bit more freedom and creativity when it comes to the materials I use. Fabric, buttons, twine or pipe cleaners can sometimes add just the right whimsy to make the recipient smile before she even gets to what's inside.

Today I wrapped a gift using the only paper I had on-hand: a grocery bag! I've resorted to the paper bag many times in the past and have been completely satisfied with the results. I thought I'd show you just how cute the unexpected can be...enjoy!


Find the bicycle and bird gift tags in our Paper Shop!

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