
New year, new color

Aside from my little-girl love of purple (why is it all --well, most--little girls love purple so much... and princesses?), my favorite color has always been blue. I walk into a fabric store or home decor store and stroll right past the yellows and oranges, and head straight for the blues, teals. What is it about blue? Is it because I grew up with a view of the Pacific Ocean? or that I love a sunny, blue-sky day?

Color is such a fun topic. And the people at Pantone make it their business. Big time. As in, they choose a color of the year every year. They watch color trends, what's happening in the world, in politics, the passions of the era, and all sorts of factors to come up with a color of the year.

2012 saw Tangerine Tango as its color. Orange has never been my favorite color (and there was a time when I just downright did not like it!), and I would never paint a wall in my home orange (never say never... you never know!), but I have found that a little burst of orange can bring unexpected life into a space. Like a bunch of orange tulips on my mantel. Actually loved it!

Pantone's color for 2013 is Emerald.

Again, I would not paint my walls emerald, but what a fun shade to add a splash of color to a room, an outfit or an event.

Some fun green finds, not all exactly emerald, but great greens to add to your home.

4. Clock
1. Glass Tumbler
2. Straws - not exactly emerald, but totally fun--and green!
3. Watering Can
4. Clock
5. iPhone Case

I've ordered some emerald linen to add some great new napkins, runners and maybe a pillow cover to Rufflewood's spring line.

Watch for some fun new green!


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